WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. PAGE 23 Map 5 Linn of Dee The map on the opposite page shows the proposed core paths network for the area around the Linn of Dee and Linn of Quoich. The map also shows some of the longer distance paths that lead into the Central Cairngorms area (CC1 and CC5). The paths in this area have been selected to reflect their popularity and their ability to cater for a range of abilities and activities. UDE24 in particular is a popular cycle route and enables people to enjoy the cultural heritage of the Park responsibly by providing access to and past the historic Mar Lodge. The paths to the Linn of Dee and Linn of Quoich enable people to enjoy the natural heritage of the Park alongside the rivers and gorges. Linn of Dee Proposed Core Paths Path Ref No / Path Name/Description UDE20 Linn of Quoich to the Keiloch UDE24 Linn of Dee Cycle Route UDE55 Linn of Dee UDE56 Linn of Quoich UDE57 Linn of Dee car park to Glen Lui UDE58 Linn of Dee Access Path CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Core Paths Plan Draft • April 2008 PAGE 25 Image: Map 5 Linn of Dee (not available in full text format, please check pdf)